
In the teams we work in and in our relationships with others, we are constantly challenged by situations that differ from what we want. These situations call on us to change. It is precisely the differences that others bring—colleagues with different perspectives, new team members, or changing expectations from the organization—that invite us to grow.


What I offer .

We Did It

Team development .

Learn to recognize differences as a source of development.

Teams that embrace differences rather than resist them are more connected and achieve better results.

Piha Beach silhouettes

Individual coaching .

Learn to focus your personal energy to achieve your goals. Awareness of your personal resources helps you influence your environment. You will experience greater openness and connection.

Incompany training .

Learn how systems thinking contributes to your potential to create change. A systems-oriented perspective on development is a valuable asset for anyone working with people.

Reviews .

Team development .

The core of my offering focuses on training and coaching teams, driven by the belief that developing the team as a whole has a greater impact than just developing individual competencies.


During team development sessions, you will build essential and practical team skills that enhance collaboration and overall team growth. As a ‘living system,’ your team will learn to make better use of its inherent differences. This approach emphasizes both individual and collective growth, making the team stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to achieve shared goals.

Individual coaching .

It’s normal to sometimes struggle with how we react to situations at work or in our personal lives. However, if this happens too often, we can lose our connection with ourselves. Growing self-awareness, life changes, or taking on a new role at work can trigger behaviors you don’t want. Feelings of insecurity, anger, frustration, or self-criticism may arise. You might feel dependent on yourself or on ideas and beliefs from your past.


I believe that even these feelings and reactions stem from a deep desire to connect. We are constantly moving between freely expressing our autonomy and adjusting it for the sake of connection. I can help you explore this dynamic and reduce limiting thoughts and behaviors, freeing up more of your life energy to achieve your goals.

Incompany training .

Are you an HR specialist, manager, coach, teacher, or facilitator? Or do you have another role in which you guide collaborations? Then systems thinking can be a valuable addition to your toolkit. Systems thinking allows you to understand and uncover the underlying dynamics within teams and individuals on a deeper level.

With in-depth knowledge of systems thinking, you gain the tools to make complex interactions, patterns, relationships, and influences within teams or organizations visible. These dynamics often have a significant impact on the behavior of individual members. By applying these insights, you create movement. Collaboration improves, while the well-being and performance of individual members and the team as a whole increase.

Contact .

We Did It
  • Your goals are clear, as are each team member's roles.

  • Everyone takes responsibility.\

  • No one is to blame for poor team dynamics.

  • You speak up. Conflicts are seen as opportunities for team growth.

  • You adjust and realign as needed.

  • Energy once lost in internal struggles is now directed toward achieving results.

  • You are more in touch with yourself and, from that place, more connected to your own wisdom.
  • You recognize your reactions and emotions as a valuable source of information.
  • You experience a deeper connection with others.
  • You respond less automatically to events, allowing you to make more conscious choices.
  • You have more life energy available to achieve your goals.
  • You function better in relationships with others, both at work and in your personal life.
  • You learn to focus on systems instead of individuals.

  • You learn to apply interventions that address the team as a whole.

  • You develop interventions for yourself so that

  • you can be as effective as possible in facilitating collaboration.

  • You learn to recognize and reduce noise in communication.

  • You learn to deal with frustration and conflict within teams.

E-mail: kasper@humanspresent.nl

Phone number: +31 (0) 6414 60602



(the Netherands)

COC: 84791586

VAT: NL002770837B76

Inspiration .

Here you will find a selection of relevant background information and inspiration on how I guide teams and individuals in their development. (Still only in Dutch, working on English translation). All materials are available for viewing and use. Please use source reference when sharing this information further. 


Read, explore, and build.

Emotional Intelligence in teams .


Emotional intelligence might sound like something from self-help books, but it is an essential skill for teams that want to excel.


New information is published a few times a year. Want to be the first to know?


Leading similarities .


Systems thinking as a foundation for inclusion in teams. Why it’s so important to first connect on common ground.

In my coaching, I work from a systems thinking perspective as a foundation to support teams, individuals, and organizations. I draw inspiration from Yvonne Agazarian’s theory of Living Human Systems. This scientific approach offers powerful insights into how human systems survive, develop, and transform by embracing and integrating differences.

How we deal with these differences largely determines our well-being and success. Often, we respond by either giving in or resisting—ways of avoiding differences. However, if we ignore these differences, we miss valuable opportunities to learn and grow. Teams and individuals who learn to recognize, appreciate, and integrate differences create connection and lay the foundation for sustainable development.


Wisselende Content Container
"I had an amazing experience with his Kaspers way of coaching. Next to his ability to get to the point/ ‘why’ of a certain situation, he is also a genuinely nice & respectful person".

Tim - deelnemer teamcoaching.
"Het was een mooie reis als team… met een lach en een traan en onze eigen diversiteit, verwarring, frustraties en eye openers als studiemateriaal… Ik ben trots op alles wat we in dit traject hebben bereikt!"

Annemarieke - deelnemer teamcoaching.
"Kasper is een fijne, ontspannen coach, die goed naar je luistert, doorvraagt en je mooie inzichten geeft. Ik heb zijn sessies als zeer prettig ervaren."

Robert - individueel coachtraject.
"I’ve learned a lot from Kasper due to his way of addressing the coaching in a ‘free form’ structure. This worked really well for our group since it rooted down to the essence of what was important at that point in time."

Tim - deelnemer teamcoaching.
"Het was een bijzonder leerzame ervaring, waarin we ons onderdompelden in systeemdenken, functioneel subgroepen, het werken met diversiteit, het integreren van verschillen en de kracht van het hier-en-nu."

Annemarieke - deelnemer in teamcoaching.
"Veel geleerd van Kasper over interventies vanuit systeemdenken. Ik raad het ten zeerste aan om een training bij hem te volgen! Kasper, nogmaals bedankt! Ik ben erg trots op ons team!"

Brigitte - deelnemer incompany training.